Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Lesson from the Elderly

It truly is amazing that God hasn't given up on me yet. I fail, I fall, I stumble. I live selfishly, I waste time on worldly things and I turn my back on Him. Thankfully God, in all His glory and majesty, won't give up on me. He slowly takes my hand and leads me step by step through this journey of life. He teaches me lessons (sometimes in not so easy ways), opens my eyes and molds me into the woman He desires. Day by day He works at my heart, stripping away the ugly to make room for more of Him.   

Lately God has been using a group of seniors to open my eyes and work at my heart. Every Tuesday I volunteer at Misericordia Hospital doing spiritual care in the mornings and recreation activities in the evenings. The group of elderly people that I interact with are a wonderful bunch. They not only make me laugh, but they make me think about my life - how I spend my time, how I treat others and ultimately how I live: selfishly or selflessly. 

When time does its thing, and I become a senior, I hope to look back at my life and find glimpses of humility, kind words and selfless deeds, not just a trail of selfish actions. I know it will be a daily struggle to put others' needs above my own, but I must try, with the help of God. Will you try with me? 

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31

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