Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In Memory Of

On November 7th, 2012 my Opa passed away. After battling cancer to the bitter end he left this earth and joined His Maker in heaven. His life was a testament of love, hard work, determination and generosity.

For the second time I decided to sit down and watch the picture video that was played at my Opa's funeral. As the tears poured down and memories rushed back, I was overwhelmed with a sense of awe and wonder. This one man's life has blessed so many people. His actions are forever remembered by foster children (over 100), neighbours, family, and friends.

Do you ever wonder what YOU will leave behind when you go? Will people look at your pictures and wonder how you were always so positive? Or generous? Or helpful? Will they be inspired by your love and your actions? Will they smile at all the memories you created with them, or laugh at your silly antics? Will the people around you be motivated to do more good and smile more? Will they be encouraged in their faith by how you chose to live your life?

We too often forget how greatly our lives can impact others for better or worse. A small act of kindness can change someone's entire life or simply brighten their day. An outburst of hatred can shatter self esteem or tear apart a heart looking for love.

Let us spend our time and our lives blessing those around us, helping the lost and broken, giving to those in need, loving those who only know loneliness and caring for each other. When all is said and done, and our time comes, what will people say of you? What will you leave behind? 

My Opa has left a print of love on many hearts. And it is my prayer that I (and you) will do the same.

Love You Opa.

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